Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Day 2

It was another fairly easy day. I did catch myself going to finish off one of the kids plates or taking a bite from the breakfast I made. I did choose not to go to a breakfast held at the kids school this morning because I knew there would be donuts there, and donuts are a huge weakness for me. I just didn't know if I was strong enough to be able to resist them yet. I was very tired during the afternoon.

Zack is accustomed to drinking lots of Mtn. Dew, but he really feels like the spark is helping him. He has not craved a Mtn. Dew and has not had any headaches so far.

Hopefully through these 24 days we can make some lifestyle changes.

Day 1

The first day was much easier than I thought it would be. I was struggled to get everything in they have on the chart. I was not hungry and I was not craving anything. I think we can do this.

Zack really struggled getting the fiber drink down, but he was successful. That will be the biggest challenge for him.

About Us

Zack and I have been married for 12 years this fall. We have been blessed with six beautiful children. We have both fluctuated with our weight but our at our heaviest points right now.

We knew we needed to do something different but just never seemed to be motivated enough to get ourselves in gear.
When approached by my brother Kelly to try the Advocare 24 Day Challenge, we were excited and ready to take on the challenge.